Reasons to join us
Reliable employer
Jenox Akumulatory sp. z o.o. is one of the leading domestic producers of lead-acid batteries, present in the Polish market for over thirty years. The company is a part of the largest group in the battery industry – ZAP SZNAJDER BATTERIEN S.A. In addition, the Jenox Akumulatory factory is one of the largest production facilities in the Chodzież district.

We reward creativity
We value our employees and their creative approach to their tasks. To inspire innovation, we have created an original programme called KREATOR, which encourages employees to make changes to optimise production operations. Each implemented change is linked to a financial bonus. Its amount depends on the sum of the benefits that the innovation will bring to our plant.

We invest in our employees
We are committed to ensuring that Jenox Akumulatory employees have high professional qualifications and acquire additional skills and competencies. That is why we support their professional development by organising training courses on the operation of machinery and equipment. We also encourage further education by co-financing postgraduate studies and specialist courses.

Specialist medical care
Jenox Akumulatory places particular emphasis on looking after the health of its employees. Due to the presence of factors that are harmful or hazardous to health in the work environment, we provide periodic medical examinations and specialised medical care. The scope and frequency of examinations depends on the nature of the work performed and the position of the employee.

Group insurance
Employees of Jenox Akumulatory have the opportunity to be covered by an additional, superbly designed group insurance package, which covers the employee as well as their partner and even adult children.

Rich social package
We place great emphasis on the integration of our team, which is why we organise a number of events to strengthen the bonds between our employees. We have also prepared an extended social package for our employees, which includes, among other things, subsidised holidays for children or financial assistance in difficult life situations. The company also has an Employee Loan Fund, which offers interest-free loans.
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