As part of the Public Education Campaign, for the sixth time, in cooperation with the Primary School in Zacharzyn, we organised a meeting for primary school pupils from the Chodzież municipality. The aim was to raise environmental awareness regarding proper waste management, with particular emphasis on used batteries and accumulators. Our educational activities are intended to contribute to achieving the highest possible level of selective waste collection.
The meeting was held under the slogan: Segregate with us, fight against waste. The campaign was aimed at students from schools in the Chodzież municipality, where the Jenox Akumulatory production plant operates. The meeting was attended by students representing four municipal schools: Primary School in Zacharzyn, Primary School in Strzelce, School and Kindergarten Complex in Stróżewo, and Primary School in Oleśnica. The meeting in Zacharzyn started with a performance entitled "A Matter for the Ecologist", the theme of which was waste segregation and recycling, with particular emphasis on the safe collection and recycling of batteries and the possible impact of substances used in batteries and accumulators on the environment and human health. The pupils then took part in the Communal Environmental Competition, during which they had to demonstrate their knowledge of ecology, segregation and recycling, as well as their practical skills. The children answered questions such as what to do with a used battery, took part in charades and races, and solved tasks using tablets and programmed Photons – educational robots. The competition was won by pupils from the Oleśnica Primary School. Finally, the participants had some refreshments, followed by an ecological and chemical workshop organised by Wulkan Doświadczeń from Poznań. As part of the sixth edition of the educational campaign organised by Jenox Accumulators, each school received information leaflets, Your Battery Can Be Safe For The Environment, in which ways of dealing with batteries were presented.